Please read the following terms and conditions before using this Site. By entering and using this website www.adventa.com.mx, you (the “User”) acknowledge acceptance of the conditions and terms contained herein by simply using the site, thus expressly declaring acceptance of the following:

Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights.

All content on this website is the property of Publigraphics, S.A. de C.V. (Adventa) and/or appears with the authorization of the corresponding rights holders; therefore, the rights to such content are protected by applicable Mexican laws and international law.

Likewise, rights to trademarks and any other elements that serve to distinguish products, silhouettes, images, services, trademarks, advertising slogans, videos, or any other elements of Adventa, whether currently contained or inserted in the future, are protected.

None of these elements may be used without the prior written authorization of Adventa, and their reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, as well as any other use of the content of this Site on any other Internet page or on any other computer network, including in advertising and announcements related to the configuration of this Site, are prohibited.

The “User” must refrain from attempting or carrying out any type of addition, deletion, transformation, or any other form of alteration to the content of this Site. Furthermore, the “User” must not delete or alter in any way any data identifying the ownership of rights to any content on this Site.

Any unauthorized use of the content of this Site will violate the Industrial Property Law, Federal Copyright Law, Civil, Commercial, Penal laws, and other applicable National or International Laws.

Restrictions for Minors and/or Incapacitated Users.

Minors are strictly prohibited from using this site and must refrain from:
• Requesting information of any kind through the contact channels or communication.
• Sending any type of information to the Site.
• Sending any personal information.

Any liability arising from the use or interaction with this Site by persons lacking legal capacity will be handled in accordance with applicable laws governing those exercising parental authority, guardianship, or curatorship.

Transmission of Information:

When the “User” transmits information to this Site, they expressly agree to transfer ownership of such information to Adventa and authorize its use at Adventa’s discretion, except for the exceptions provided in our Privacy Notice for the handling of personal information.

Products and Services
The information and/or images contained on the website regarding services and/or products are for informational purposes only. We recommend contacting us so that one of our collaborators can offer you the product or service of your interest or according to your needs.

For questions and clarifications regarding the products advertised on this Site, you can contact us through the contact option on our website or through the following phone lines:

Guadalajara | (33) 3833 0680
Ciudad de México | (55) 5005 3333
Monterrey | (81) 8345 9478

Last Updated
January 2024


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